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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Compare & Contrast ESSAY : Advantages to do an outside activity

Advantages to do an outside activity
  By Bill
     People who succeeding to get a job have 731 TOEIC grades and 3.5 university grades. Now companies already knew that. Are students satisfy their university life? There is one thing that almost students miss. It is outside activities. Nowadays, outside activities have many advantages. From now on, tell students 3 big advantages to do an outside activity. First, it can be a specification, second, you can meet so many people and third, you can learn what you want.
      First, it can be a specification. Nowadays, Specification is just as important as high grades. So, you should get a specification. Outside activities can be a specification. When you find a job, if you did an outside activity, you would get a additional point.
      Second, students can meet so many people. Meeting many people is in contrast with not doing it. If you do an outside activity, They can meet so many people having another major, age, even office workers. They can be a good friends and advisors. And also, meeting so many people is interesting things. For example, in this english camp, we met so many people and had a good time. If you do an outside activity, you can experience the emotion same as it again.
      Last, students can learn what they really want. Because of korean education system, many students have a different major from what they want. Through doing an outside activity, students can solve this problem. Students can learn what they want to learn and can learn more deeply.
      Some people say “We have no time to do an outside activity.” But, it is wrong thought. Students who do an outside activity can learn how to schedule their time. Students who do it must can schedule their time well while students who don't do it can’t do it well. Students are too young to just stay in a university.

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